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KAIST Language Center Opening for professional proofreader/ editor
작성자 Hanbyul Jang Date 2021-10-25 Hits 1940
첨부파일1 application form.docx

KAIST Language Center

Opening for professional proofreader/ editor


The KAIST Language Center is looking for an experienced proofreader/editor.

The KAIST Language Center started proofreading services in 1998, with the submission of articles authored by KAIST faculty and students to foreign journals on the rise.

The KAIST Language Center has now expanded its services into areas covering administrative documents and forms and many other KAIST English publications. Our clients also include many other research institutions in the Daedok Research Complex area and other universities.

The KAIST Language Center is currently accepting applications for the position of English proofreader and editor. The applicant must be a native English speaker. Applicants with previous experience or knowledge in STEM-related fields are preferred.


Contract Conditions

- Length of contract: 1 year (may be extended)

- Starting date: Jan. 2022 (expected)

- Position: Freelancer

- Place of employment: Anywhere (if candidates reside in Korea, they will require the proper visa to work)

- Payment varies based on type and length of documents



-          Master’s degree (minimum)

-          Over three years of proofreading/editing experience

-          Exceptional attention to detail

-          Ability to manage time and meet deadlines

-          Keen organizational skills and the ability to multi-task

-          Proficient with computer and general software programs (e.g. MS Word, HWP, internet, email, etc.)

-          Comfortable with uploading/downloading digital files

-          Candidates who majored in AI, IT, computer science preferred




Schedule (Expected) :

-          Register period : 2021.11.1 ~ 11.19

-          1st document screening : 11.22 ~ 11.26

-          Notification of 1st successful candidates : 11.29

-          2nd Test : 12.1 ~ 12.3

(The test entails proofreading of a given document)

-          Notification of final successful candidate : 12.10


Documents for submission

-          Application form

-          Photocopied diploma of highest degree

-          Official letter of work experience (relevant experience only)

-          Photocopy of any relevant licenses/certifications


Applications accepted via e-mail only (


Qualified contractors must have excellent reading and writing skills and will be required to pass a proofreading test. We will contact successful candidates who have submitted all documentation. Expected date of notification: Nov 29th, 2021.

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