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EASE Autumn Symposium 2024
작성자 KCSE Date 2024-11-06 Hits 252
안녕하세요. 과편협입니다.
11월 26일(화) 한국시간 오후 4시부터 진행 예정인 EASE Autumn Symposium 2024 행사를 안내드립니다.
과편협 김기홍 회장님, 윤철희 부회장님의 강의도 4시부터 진행되오니 과편협 회원 여러분의 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.

자세한 프로그램은 아래 링크를 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.

EASE Autumn Symposium 2024  

Theme: AI and digital tools in scholarly publishing


Tuesday, 26 November 2024, 09:00 - 17:30 (GMT), on Zoom


We invite you to join us for a full-day event this Autumn with expert speakers presenting the latest innovations in the use of AI and digital tools to support the scholarly publishing industry and discussing the issues arising from their use.


The Autumn Symposium will include sessions for authors/researchers, manuscript editors, journal editors and reviewers in two plenary, and several parallel sessions throughout the day. Plus EASE Korea and EASE Vietnam will host a bonus satellite session focusing on the theme from an Asian perspective. This extra session starts at 7am (UK) 2pm (Hanoi) 4pm (Seoul). 


Visit our webpage for full information, programme details and booking!


Pricing: £180

Make sure you log in to your EASE member profile to receive your member discount. (£90)


Sister Society members (CIEP, ISMTE, MET, NEaT, SENSE) are also invited to join at the discounted rate of £90 - tell your Sister Society colleagues!


Thanks to our generous sponsors, we are pleased to offer sponsored places to those working in low-, lower-middle and upper-middle income countries. Please share this information within your network.


We look forward to seeing you!


Mary Hodgson

EASE Secretary

게시판 검색

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