Workshop materials

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No Subject Name Date Hits
27 The 10th Publication Ethics Workshop  KCSE 2015-06-18 736
26 The 15th Editors' Workshop  KCSE 2015-03-02 1177
25 2015 General Meeting and Conference  KCSE 2015-02-10 681
24 The 14th Editors' Workshop  KCSE 2014-12-04 788
23 The 13th Manuscript Editors' Workshop  KCSE 2014-11-19 796
22 The 8th Publication Ethics Special Workshop  KCSE 2014-10-28 792
21 The 7th Publication Ethics Workshop  KCSE 2014-08-22 816
20 The 6th Publication Ethics Workshop & Forum  KCSE 2014-07-25 792
19 2014 General Meeting and Conference  KCSE 2014-02-18 747
18 The 4th Publication Ethics Workshop & Forum  KCSE 2013-12-13 737